Monday, December 1, 2008

New Beginning!

Lets start when the man of my life purposed to me on August 8th 2008. It was in the morning we were both getting ready for work and I just let the dogs out. It was nice and i hadnt got in the shower yet so I was wearing a t-shirt only! (yes in my underwear outside...we have a privacy fence people!) Anyway he came outside and he got down on one knee and asked me the question! He was shaking I was crying and the ring was beautiful! That was the beginning of our wonderful life!

The year of our engagement was quite eventful! Had a lot of planning and the big decision to do a destination wedding... lets just say that some family members loved the idea and others werent so sure. But in th end it ended up being the best day of my life and wouldnt change it for the world!


We decided to start trying right away because u never know how long it would take us and we were ready! We both really wanted children and couldnt wait to have them!

Well it didnt take us long! First time! And it began my pregnancy journey!

People that know me know that i hate surprises and cant keep secrets unless told otherwise... so we both decided to tell everyone right away! Everyone was so excited and couldnt wait! It is the third grandchild on my side and the first on Roberts side!

So this also began the stories of pregnancy... everyone has an opinion! It took me awhile to understand that people just want what is best and BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! But geez oh peets people! Let me experience my own ups and downs without people telling me what i should be doing... Ok enough bitching for a minute...

So i had absolutely no morning sickness and a great first trimester... yes i was tired but nothing that I couldnt handle. I was spinning three to four times a week and feeling awesome! Didnt gain much wait at all through my first trimester even in the beginning of my second!

I had to slow down exercising because i started getting really bad headaches and tightness in my lower abdomen! so i stopped spinning! I was sad because i thought i was that person who would be exercising through my whole pregnancy! So going to the chiropractor and doing some lite walking! Im ok with that for now!

It is my 20 week appointment and we get to find out what we are having and i cannot wait! I was so nervous that morning u could tell rob was too! We are in the Dr's office they call my name and my nerves just hit me... i had to pee so bad and trying not to think about! But ultrasound revealed that we are having a GIRL!!!!!! BRYN ELISABETH DE ARMOND!

November 25th, 2009

Im 23 weeks and still feel pretty awesome starting to show and gained 10lbs so far... i also start water aerobics in a week in a half! Twice a week for two months so excited to finally get back to exercising!
Rob and i also are taking a child birthing class starting in February... Yes people im going to try and have and all natural birth! Its my decision and im going to give it my all... I know people have there own opinions about this too but this is something that I always wanted to do. Im not saying im against drugs or anything i just have a fear of not being able to feel my legs or anything below my waist! If i feel during my labor, pain is to much, it wont be a disappointment for me to ask for a epidural I know my options and just want to do it my way!

Today im feeling very overwhelmed! Im starting thanksgiving dinner rob is starting the nursery and it is very PINK!!! But so adorable! Will show pics of the nursery soon!

1 comment:

Mrs.Lemon said...

Lisa! I am so happy to see you have joined the blog world. I am so happy for you two, and glad that I get all the updates now : ) Love you!
