Friday, April 9, 2010

Three Weeks Old!!!

Wow three weeks old already! I would say the first two weeks were very hard. But I have settled in our routine and things are going much better. I'm still pumping and bottle feeding. That has been going very well. I'm pumping every 5 to six hours and getting 6 oz. She is eating between 18 and 24 oz a day and I'm still able to store a little too!!! But I just realized she doesn't like turkey dogs with turkey chili and mexican food. I should of known about mexican food she didn't like when I was pregnant either. Back to really watching what I eat and hopefully not upsetting her little belly. She is sleeping very well unless I eat those things I mentioned before. I'm just happy things have settled down and the family is doing very well. I'm starting to workout and only have 9 lbs to lose. The weight melted off. I gained 35 lbs during pregnancy. Thought it was going to be harder but with eating fairly well and breastfeeding it came right off. So all and all she is wonderful and daddy is great!!!

1 comment:

Mrs.Lemon said...

Isn't that the best about breastfeeding?!! Good for you for only having 9 pounds left! In that second picture, I swear she is a spitting image of you. : )
