Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday Shopping!

Wow! It was 2:30 in the morning on my way to Target to meet my mom and drove past Old Navy and the line was literally wrapped around the building! I never thought it was going to be like this... Then again im meeting my mom at Target at 230! I get to Target and the line has about 100 people in it and keeps getting longer and Best Buys line is getting very long! The people that we see are so funny people had cots, fire, and country tunes going! I couldnt believe that people were so dedicated to black friday. So my mom and set up our chairs and got cozy with our blankets and sit... sit... and sit.

My mom and I started to talk about what people are really here for and came to the conclusion that the flat screens were it! Then my mom looked at me and she had to go pee! Then she started to say does cooper (my nephew) really want this keyboard that we were in line for! I looked at her and said u make the decision if u want to stay or not... mind u it is 330 at this time! Then she said lets go! I just started to laugh!!! So we went to IHOP and got some coffee (me decaf) and the worst oatmeal in the world! Got up from the table and went to wait in Babies R Us line... Only a few people at this time were in line it was around 415. At Babies R Us, i really wanted my glider and my high chair that were close to half off!! So we are waiting and the line behind us gets really long! Good thing that we got there when we did! So i gave my mom a game plan for her to get the cart and the high chair and i will go for the chair! So the store opens and several women some men go right for the glider i got there first and put my hands on the color i wanted! OMG the gliders were gone in seconds... My mom finds me and her cart is full with diapers that were 5 bucks, clothes, and the high chair! I had the best adrenaline rush, it was so much fun to get what i came for and get such a great deal! So after all that, we continued to shop and i was home around 7!

Love my mom! I think we just created a tradition that will be with us for a long time...

I got home and Rob was up... got the stuff out of the Jeep and he starts to put the chair in the nursery... Love him he has been so great! So i laid down and took a nap for a few hours, i was so tired. I got up and we put the Christmas tree up and got ready for dinner with family. My aunt Sue and uncle Jim there daughter and husband and there two kids! O my parents were there also! It was great to see them but i was ready to go home and go to bed long day but it was worth every last min!

1 comment:

Mrs.Lemon said...

LOVED Black Friday this year. SO FUN.
